Conflict Assessments
Curious about your conflict style? Complete one or both of these Conflict Assessments to find out how you approach and manage conflict. Then, schedule a time for us to go over your results by clicking Rachel’s Calendar
The Magic of Conflict by Thomas F. Crum.
Difficult Conversations by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, and Sheila Heen
Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
The Dance of Opposites by Kenneth Cloke
Winning From Within by Erica Ariel Fox
To Improve Your Team, First Work On Yourself by Jennifer Porter (Read article)
How People With Different Conflict Styles Can Work Together by Amy Gallo
How To Manage Conflict by Kristi Hedges (Read article)
10 Benefits of Hiring an Online Divorce Coach by Emily Heird (Read article)