"The art of communication is the language of leadership."

Being able to communicate effectively is one of the most important skills necessary to lead a successful professional and fulfilling personal life.  How we lead, communicate, and navigate difficult conversations has a direct impact on our overall level of  success and satisfaction.

Each of us has a unique way of communicating and engaging with other people.  We all have  default (or unconscious) responses to stress, different communication styles, and conflict.  Not surprisingly,  there are times when what we have learned and the patterns we have developed no longer serve us well.

As Albert Einstein says, “No problem can be solved from the same consciousness that created it.” That means that in whatever challenging situation we are facing, we need to rise up to a new consciousness, embrace a new way of thinking, and consider a different approach. The only way to change patterns is to increase self-awareness. Increased consciousness leads to new perspectives, strategies, skills, and choices for how to lead, communicate and manage conflict. Developing competencies in these areas greatly reduces stress in our professional and personal lives and enables us to be our best selves.

I work with executive leaders, emerging leaders, clergy and lay leaders, attorneys, organizational teams, Boards and committees, professional groups, and family members.  I use powerful assessments, such as Everything DiSC and the Energy Leadership Index (ELI) as part of my coaching.  These tools provide stunningly accurate insights into a person’s communication style and internal responses to stress and conflict.  Using the assessment results as a foundation, I coach clients by helping them:

  • identify their goals
  • deepen awareness of their beliefs, attitudes, strengths, and challenges
  • create and implement a road map to achieve their goals 
  • learn and practice new skills and strategies
  • create concrete, measurable action plans
  • reflect and assess  progress toward achieving their articulated goals

The result is greater personal insight, clarity, and overall increased satisfaction at work and in relationships. This transformation is life changing, opening the door for deeper connections with others and improved, more satisfying ways of leading and communicating overall.

Coaching sessions take place via telephone or video conference.

Call (818) 574-5795